Week 2 (Sept. 2 - 6)

In anticipation of next week, you should begin reading Nature, Number and Substance (Chap. 1) and The Shape and Motion of the Heavens (Chap. 2). If it is a bit too challenging, please don't get overwhelmed. We will be discussing these next week together in class. They'll also be covered in the course videos. Nonetheless, it is a good idea for you to give these a good "college try" on your own.
Quiz: Labor day on Monday, so no quiz or lab this week!

Homework exercises: Learn the "four stories" and the signs of the Zodiac. Orion's hunting party. A damsel in distress. Cygnus happens upon a battle. The queen goes fishing. Make a labeled sketch of each of the four stories and submit them via Canvass. This is due at noon on Saturday (at the end of) Week 2. You will be quizzed on your knowledge of the four stories and of the 12 constellations of the zodiac next Monday!

Laboratory exercises: Labor day on Monday, so no lab Monday evening. If you have not finished the horizon globe exercises, you should plan to come into the lab with your partner sometime this week to finish them. Remember your write-up is due at noon on Monday of Week 3.

Stars and Constellations (8 videos; you may have viewed the first 2 last week):

Intro. to Astronomy