Week 23 (Jan. 27 - Jan. 31)

Reading: Magnetic fields (Chap. 29)

Key Topics:
magnetic poles, earth's magnetic field, magnetic materials, ferromagnetism, paramagnetism, curie temperature,
Week 23 homework Problems:
  1. Magnetized compass needle: Carefully sketch the orientation of a magnetized compass needle when placed at several locations in the vicinity of a spherical ``terrella" (a) which is unbroken, (b) which has been split in half along the equator and the two halves slightly separated, (c) which has been split in half along a line joining the poles. Be sure to label the magnetic north ends of the terrella and the compass needle so things are oriented correctly.
  2. Magnetic field lines: Sketch the magnetic field lines in the vicinity of (a) a bar magnet, (b) two bar magnets placed end-to-end, slightly separated, with the north of one facing the south of the other, (c) same as previous but with the north poles facing one another, (d) a circular loop of wire carrying an electrical current, (e) a long helical coil of wire carrying an electrical current.

General College Physics