Week 19 (Dec. 16 -20)

Practice final exam: Click here for a practice exam.
Practice final exam: Click here for a practice exam.

  1. Units and dimensions
  2. Race between Bill and Ted
  3. Vectors
  4. Projectiles
  5. Ice skater
  6. Swing
  7. Collision
  8. Rotation
  9. Fluid

Additional practice problems:

  1. Automobile problem (solution): A 1500 kg automobile has a wheel base (distance between wheels) of 3 meters. The center of mass of the automobile is on at the center line at a point 1.2 meters behind the front axle. Find the force exerted by the ground on each wheel.
  2. Ladder problem (solution): A ladder weighing 400 N and a length 10 meters is placed against a smooth (frictionless) vertical wall. A person weighing 800 N stands on the ladder 2 meters from the bottom as measured along the ladder. The foot of the ladder is 8 meters from the bottom of the wall. The floor exerts a friction force, f, that keeps the ladder from sliding out. Calculate the normal force exerted by the wall, the friction force exerted by the floor, and the normal force exerted by the floor on the ladder.

General College Physics