Week 11 (Nov. 4 - 8)

Read: The luminosity of variable stars (Chap. 20) and Galactic spectra (Chap. 21)
Quiz: Monday. Covers Galileo's Starry Messenger.

Homework exercises: Variability-Luminosity (Ex. 20.1), optional: Galaxy rotation (Ex. 21.1). Due noon Saturday week 11.

Laboratory exercises: You should be doing your telescopic observations of a planet (Ex. 19.2) by week 14. Be sure to submit your weekly planetary observations by noon Monday week 12.

The luminosity of variable stars (2 introductory videos):

The luminosity of variable stars (no videos yet on Henrietta Leavitt…):

Galactic spectra (no videos yet on Vesto Slipher…):
Intro. to Astronomy