The world around us is in a state of constant change: the sun and moon rise and set, waves crash, mists rise, rain falls, fires burn, rocks form, and mountains crumble. Amidst all of these changes, there are certain patterns; there is a discernible order. In other words: the stars, the seas, the clouds, the rocks, and the earth itself each seem to have a particular nature. Physics is the careful study of the natures of things. In fact, the word physics literally means "natures" in the Greek language.
In this course, we will study the scientific work of Galileo Galilei, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. The required textbook is A Student's Guide Through the Great Physics Texts, Volume 2: Space, Time and Motion. You should purchase a hard-copy for use in the classroom, since there are no electronic devices permitted in the classroom.
Specific topics include falling bodies and projectile motion, buoyancy and drag, hydrostatic pressure, the strength of materials, acoustics, Newton’s laws of motion, conservation of momentum and energy, gravitation, and special relativity.
This course website is designed to lead you, week-by-week, through Volume 2 of A Student's Guide using short videos and homework assignments. Each video has a code (in parentheses) that indicates the book volume, chapter, and lecture number. Click on the link for Week 1 to get started! Here are some course details:
PHY 151: General Physics 1 (Algebra-based) meets in Generac Hall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30 - 11:20 a.m.
PHY 201: Physics 1 (Calculus-based) In will also meet on Thursday from 11:30 - 12:15.
Laboratory sections meet in Room S115 at the following times: Monday 12:30 - 3:20 pm (Dr. Ebeling), Wednesday 12:30 - 3:20 (Dr. Kuehn), Thursday 12:30 pm - 3:20 pm (Dr. Brown), and Friday 12:30 - 3:20 pm (Dr. Wagie).
Laboratory Presentation Grading Sheet
Weekly Homework assignments are due at 4pm on Saturday. Upload a scanned copy of your homework to the PHY 151/201 canvass portal. Late HW will be marked down 15% per day (max deduction 60%).
Weekly Lab Reports are typically due by 12:30 on the day before your lab section. Upload a scanned copy of the relevant pages in your laboratory book to the PHY 151/201 canvass portal. No late lab reports will be accepted.
Weekly Quizzes are typically on Monday during the class period.
Final Exam: A comprehensive final examination be held in week 17.