Week 1 (Jan 15 - 18)

Read: Scaling in Art and Nature (ASGv2 Chap. 1).

Key topics: Dimensional analysis, units, scaling, review of algebra techniques.

PHY 201 lecture: Dimension analysis of the trinity nuclear test....see course materials for this unit.

Week 2 (Jan 20 - 24)

Read: The Coherence of Substances (ASGv2 Chap. 2), Archimedes' Principle and Falling Bodies (ASGv2 Chap. 3)

Key topics: Early modern ideas about the cohesion (internal binding forces) of substances; Archimedes' principle, the effect of buoyancy and drag on bodies falling in fluids.

PHY 201 lecture: Aristotle's wheel: an ancient geometrical problem related to atomism and infinitesimal calculus....see course materials for this unit.

Week 3 (Jan 27 - 31)

Read: and Falling Bodies and Pendular Motion (ASGv2 Chap. 4), Pendular motion and harmony (ASGv2 Chap. 5)

Key topics: Periodic motion, pendulums, sound waves, vibrating strings, frequency and pitch, consonance and dissonance, sympathetic resonance

PHY 201 lecture: Drag, nonuniform acceleration, and terminal velocity....see course materials for this unit.

Week 4 (Feb 3 - 7)

Read: and The law of the lever (ASGv2 Chap. 6). Chapter 6 is a bit dense. Don't worry if you don't quite follow some of Galileo's geometrical proofs; we'll talk about this in class. Beams, bones and giants (ASGv2 Chap. 7)

Key topics: torque, equilibrium, the law of the lever, strength of materials, beam breaking

PHY 201 lecture: Torque and static equilibrium....see course materials for this unit.

Week 5 (Feb 10 - 14)

Read: and Naturally accelerated motion (ASGv2 Chap. 8). The Mean Speed Theorem (ASGv2 Ch. 9)

Key topics: uniform acceleration; position, velocity and acceleration, mean speed theorem

PHY 201 lecture: The calculus of kinematics and falling bodies: time derivatives, displacement, velocity and acceleration....see course materials for this unit.

Week 6 (Feb 17 - 21)

Read: and Equilibrium, Force and Acceleration (ASGv2 Ch. 10). From Conic Sections to Projectile Motion (ASGv2 Chap. 11) and The Speed and Force of a Projectile (ASGv2 Chap. 12).

Key topics: two-dimensional kinematics, projectile motion

PHY 201 lecture: More 2 d kinematics: archery problem on a slope (Ex. 11.2b)....see course materials for this unit.

Week 7 (Feb 24 - 28)

Read: Reason, Authority and Science (ASGv2 Chap. 13) and Pascal's Principle (ASGv2 Chap. 14).

Key topics: deductive and inductive reasoning, causality, final cause, hydrostatic paradox, pascal's principle, pressure.

PHY 201 Lecture: Fluid flow, torricelli's law; deriving a rate equation for draining a fluid-filled vessel....see course materials for this unit.

Week 8 (Mar 3 - 7)

Read: Submerged Bodies (ASGv2 Chap. 15); Syringes, Siphons and Suckling Infants (ASGv2 Chap. 16); and Life Under a Sea of Air (ASGv2 Chap. 17).

Key topics: hydrostatic pressure, barometers, siphons, weighing earth's atmosphere,

PHY 201 Lecture: Atmospheric pressure, compressible fluids, and the barometric formula....see course materials for this unit.

Week 9. Spring Break. (Mar 10 - 14)

Read: Does Nature Abhor a Vacuum (ASGv2 Chap. 18);
...see course materials for this unit.

Week 10 (Mar. 17 - 21)

Read: Mass, Momentum and Force (Chap. 19); and Absolute and Relative Motion (ASGv2 Chap. 20).

Key topics: Mass, momentum, inertia, force, centripetal force, absolute and relative motion.

PHY 201 Lecture: Coordinate transformations and their application to absolute and relative motion....see course materials for this unit.

Week 11 (Mar. 24 - 28)

Read: Newton's Laws of Motion (ASGv2 Chap. 21).

Key topics: newton's laws of motion, force addition, action-reaction pairs, free body diagrams,

PHY 201 Lecture: None; easter Break begins on Thursday....see course materials for this unit.

Week 12 (Mar 31 - Apr 4)

Read: Conservation of Momentum (ASGv2 Chap. 22) and The Third Law and the Power of Machines (ASGv2 Chap. 23).

Key topics: applications of newton's laws; conservation of momentum; center of mass position and velocity; elastic and inelastic collisions,

PHY 201 Lecture: Newton's laws of motion: ...see course materials for this unit.

Week 13 (Apr. 7 - 11)

Read: Centripetal Force and Acceleration (ASGv2 Chap. 24) and Newton's Rules of Reasoning (ASGv2 Chap. 25).

Key topics: rotational motion, centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, principle of parsimony, principle of induction, philosophy of nature.

PHY 201 Lecture: torque, rotational inertia, and angular motion....see course materials for this unit.

Week 14 (Apr. 14 - 18)

Read: Planetary motion (ASGv2 Chap. 26), Universal Gravitation (ASGv2 Chap. 27), Hypothesis and Natural Theology (ASGv2 Chap. 28).

Key topics: Kepler's laws of motion, Newton's universal law of gravitation, natural theology, scientific apologetics, and Newton's argument from design.

PHY 201 lecture: gravitation of extended bodies; integral calculus approach to computing the gravitational attraction of a mass toward a curved bar...see course materials for this unit.

Week 15 (Apr. 21 - 25)

Read: The principle of relativity (ASGv2 Chap. 29) and The absolute speed of light (ASGv2 Chap. 30).

Key topics: principle of relativity, speed of light postulate, relativistic time dilation and length contraction, ...see course materials for this unit.

Week 16 (Apr. 28 - May 2)

Read: Lorentz transformations (ASGv2 Chap. 31) and Relativistic energy and Minkowski space(ASGv2 Chap. 32).

Key topics: Relativistic energy and momentum....see course materials for this unit.

Week 17. Final exams (May 5 - 9)

There will be a comprehensive final examination on week 17.

Here is the final exam from Spring 2023.

Also: here are some wonderfully detailed study notes prepared by Rachel Dziekan and Christal Phelps a couple of years ago. Actually, I am not sure which of them produced them (there is no name), but let me know if you find out. They are quite comprehensive....see course materials for this unit.
Physics 1