Week 1 (Jan 15 - 18)
Read: Scaling in Art and Nature (ASGv2 Chap. 1).
Key topics: Dimensional analysis, units, scaling, review of algebra techniques.
PHY 201 lecture: Dimension analysis of the trinity nuclear test....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: Dimensional analysis, units, scaling, review of algebra techniques.
PHY 201 lecture: Dimension analysis of the trinity nuclear test....see course materials for this unit.
Week 2 (Jan 20 - 24)
Read: The Coherence of Substances (ASGv2 Chap. 2), Archimedes' Principle and Falling Bodies (ASGv2 Chap. 3)
Key topics: Early modern ideas about the cohesion (internal binding forces) of substances; Archimedes' principle, the effect of buoyancy and drag on bodies falling in fluids.
PHY 201 lecture: Aristotle's wheel: an ancient geometrical problem related to atomism and infinitesimal calculus....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: Early modern ideas about the cohesion (internal binding forces) of substances; Archimedes' principle, the effect of buoyancy and drag on bodies falling in fluids.
PHY 201 lecture: Aristotle's wheel: an ancient geometrical problem related to atomism and infinitesimal calculus....see course materials for this unit.
Week 3 (Jan 27 - 31)
Read: and Falling Bodies and Pendular Motion (ASGv2 Chap. 4), Pendular motion and harmony (ASGv2 Chap. 5)
Key topics: Periodic motion, pendulums, sound waves, vibrating strings, frequency and pitch, consonance and dissonance, sympathetic resonance
PHY 201 lecture: Drag, nonuniform acceleration, and terminal velocity....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: Periodic motion, pendulums, sound waves, vibrating strings, frequency and pitch, consonance and dissonance, sympathetic resonance
PHY 201 lecture: Drag, nonuniform acceleration, and terminal velocity....see course materials for this unit.
Week 4 (Feb 3 - 7)
Read: and The law of the lever (ASGv2 Chap. 6). Chapter 6 is a bit dense. Don't worry if you don't quite follow some of Galileo's geometrical proofs; we'll talk about this in class. Beams, bones and giants (ASGv2 Chap. 7)
Key topics: torque, equilibrium, the law of the lever, strength of materials, beam breaking
PHY 201 lecture: Torque and static equilibrium....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: torque, equilibrium, the law of the lever, strength of materials, beam breaking
PHY 201 lecture: Torque and static equilibrium....see course materials for this unit.
Week 5 (Feb 10 - 14)
Read: and Naturally accelerated motion (ASGv2 Chap. 8). The Mean Speed Theorem (ASGv2 Ch. 9)
Key topics: uniform acceleration; position, velocity and acceleration, mean speed theorem
PHY 201 lecture: The calculus of kinematics and falling bodies: time derivatives, displacement, velocity and acceleration....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: uniform acceleration; position, velocity and acceleration, mean speed theorem
PHY 201 lecture: The calculus of kinematics and falling bodies: time derivatives, displacement, velocity and acceleration....see course materials for this unit.
Week 6 (Feb 17 - 21)
Read: and Equilibrium, Force and Acceleration (ASGv2 Ch. 10). From Conic Sections to Projectile Motion (ASGv2 Chap. 11) and The Speed and Force of a Projectile (ASGv2 Chap. 12).
Key topics: two-dimensional kinematics, projectile motion
PHY 201 lecture: More 2 d kinematics: archery problem on a slope (Ex. 11.2b)....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: two-dimensional kinematics, projectile motion
PHY 201 lecture: More 2 d kinematics: archery problem on a slope (Ex. 11.2b)....see course materials for this unit.
Week 7 (Feb 24 - 28)
Read: Reason, Authority and Science (ASGv2 Chap. 13) and Pascal's Principle (ASGv2 Chap. 14).
Key topics: deductive and inductive reasoning, causality, final cause, hydrostatic paradox, pascal's principle, pressure.
PHY 201 Lecture: Fluid flow, torricelli's law; deriving a rate equation for draining a fluid-filled vessel....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: deductive and inductive reasoning, causality, final cause, hydrostatic paradox, pascal's principle, pressure.
PHY 201 Lecture: Fluid flow, torricelli's law; deriving a rate equation for draining a fluid-filled vessel....see course materials for this unit.
Week 8 (Mar 3 - 7)
Read: Submerged Bodies (ASGv2 Chap. 15); Syringes, Siphons and Suckling Infants (ASGv2 Chap. 16); and Life Under a Sea of Air (ASGv2 Chap. 17).
Key topics: hydrostatic pressure, barometers, siphons, weighing earth's atmosphere,
PHY 201 Lecture: Atmospheric pressure, compressible fluids, and the barometric formula....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: hydrostatic pressure, barometers, siphons, weighing earth's atmosphere,
PHY 201 Lecture: Atmospheric pressure, compressible fluids, and the barometric formula....see course materials for this unit.
Week 9. Spring Break. (Mar 10 - 14)
Read: Does Nature Abhor a Vacuum (ASGv2 Chap. 18);
...see course materials for this unit.
...see course materials for this unit.
Week 10 (Mar. 17 - 21)
Read: Mass, Momentum and Force (Chap. 19); and Absolute and Relative Motion (ASGv2 Chap. 20).
Key topics: Mass, momentum, inertia, force, centripetal force, absolute and relative motion.
PHY 201 Lecture: Coordinate transformations and their application to absolute and relative motion....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: Mass, momentum, inertia, force, centripetal force, absolute and relative motion.
PHY 201 Lecture: Coordinate transformations and their application to absolute and relative motion....see course materials for this unit.
Week 11 (Mar. 24 - 28)
Read: Newton's Laws of Motion (ASGv2 Chap. 21).
Key topics: newton's laws of motion, force addition, action-reaction pairs, free body diagrams,
PHY 201 Lecture: None; easter Break begins on Thursday....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: newton's laws of motion, force addition, action-reaction pairs, free body diagrams,
PHY 201 Lecture: None; easter Break begins on Thursday....see course materials for this unit.
Week 12 (Mar 31 - Apr 4)
Read: Conservation of Momentum (ASGv2 Chap. 22) and The Third Law and the Power of Machines (ASGv2 Chap. 23).
Key topics: applications of newton's laws; conservation of momentum; center of mass position and velocity; elastic and inelastic collisions,
PHY 201 Lecture: Newton's laws of motion: ...see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: applications of newton's laws; conservation of momentum; center of mass position and velocity; elastic and inelastic collisions,
PHY 201 Lecture: Newton's laws of motion: ...see course materials for this unit.
Week 13 (Apr. 7 - 11)
Read: Centripetal Force and Acceleration (ASGv2 Chap. 24) and Newton's Rules of Reasoning (ASGv2 Chap. 25).
Key topics: rotational motion, centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, principle of parsimony, principle of induction, philosophy of nature.
PHY 201 Lecture: torque, rotational inertia, and angular motion....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: rotational motion, centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, principle of parsimony, principle of induction, philosophy of nature.
PHY 201 Lecture: torque, rotational inertia, and angular motion....see course materials for this unit.
Week 14 (Apr. 14 - 18)
Read: Planetary motion (ASGv2 Chap. 26), Universal Gravitation (ASGv2 Chap. 27), Hypothesis and Natural Theology (ASGv2 Chap. 28).
Key topics: Kepler's laws of motion, Newton's universal law of gravitation, natural theology, scientific apologetics, and Newton's argument from design.
PHY 201 lecture: gravitation of extended bodies; integral calculus approach to computing the gravitational attraction of a mass toward a curved bar...see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: Kepler's laws of motion, Newton's universal law of gravitation, natural theology, scientific apologetics, and Newton's argument from design.
PHY 201 lecture: gravitation of extended bodies; integral calculus approach to computing the gravitational attraction of a mass toward a curved bar...see course materials for this unit.
Week 15 (Apr. 21 - 25)
Read: The principle of relativity (ASGv2 Chap. 29) and The absolute speed of light (ASGv2 Chap. 30).
Key topics: principle of relativity, speed of light postulate, relativistic time dilation and length contraction, ...see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: principle of relativity, speed of light postulate, relativistic time dilation and length contraction, ...see course materials for this unit.
Week 16 (Apr. 28 - May 2)
Read: Lorentz transformations (ASGv2 Chap. 31) and Relativistic energy and Minkowski space(ASGv2 Chap. 32).
Key topics: Relativistic energy and momentum....see course materials for this unit.
Key topics: Relativistic energy and momentum....see course materials for this unit.
Week 17. Final exams (May 5 - 9)
There will be a comprehensive final examination on week 17.
Here is the final exam from Spring 2023.
Also: here are some wonderfully detailed study notes prepared by Rachel Dziekan and Christal Phelps a couple of years ago. Actually, I am not sure which of them produced them (there is no name), but let me know if you find out. They are quite comprehensive....see course materials for this unit.
Here is the final exam from Spring 2023.
Also: here are some wonderfully detailed study notes prepared by Rachel Dziekan and Christal Phelps a couple of years ago. Actually, I am not sure which of them produced them (there is no name), but let me know if you find out. They are quite comprehensive....see course materials for this unit.